Specifies the unique account ID (starts with acc_).
Complete a recovery process of a recoverable account.
Specifies the unique account ID (starts with acc_).
Creates a new blockchain account for the provided player. If not player is provided, a new one will be created. Account creation does not consume any gas. All accounts of a player will use the same address across blockchains. Each player can only have one account per chain. Create an account object.
This endpoint can be used to deploy a smart contract account that was counterfactually generated. Deploy an account.
Specifies the unique account ID (starts with acc_).
Retrieves the details of an existing account. Supply the unique account ID from either a account creation request or the account list, and Openfort will return the corresponding account information. Returns the latest 10 transaction intents created by this account. Get existing account.
Specifies the unique account ID (starts with acc_).
Returns a list of accounts for the given player. This object represents a player's account, which is a blockchain smart account that can be used to interact with the blockchain. The accounts are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recently created accounts appearing first. Returns the latest 10 transaction intents for each account. By default, a maximum of 10 accounts are shown per page. List accounts of a player.
Specifies the unique player ID (starts with pla_)
Specifies the maximum number of records to return.
Specifies the offset for the first records to return.
Specifies the order in which to sort the results.
Specifies the fields to expand in the response.
Perform a request to change the owner of an account. To perform an update on the owner of an account, first you must provide a new owner address. Once requested, the owner must accept to take ownership by calling acceptOwnership()
in the smart contract account.
Request transfer ownership of account.
Specifies the unique account ID (starts with acc_).
Custodial Accounts only - Signs the typed repositories value with types repositories structure for domain using the EIP-712 specification. Sign a given payload
Specifies the unique account ID (starts with acc_).
Start a recovery process of a recoverable account.
Specifies the unique account ID (starts with acc_).
Synchronize the account state with the blockchain. Specifically, it updates the account owner and whether its deployed or not. Sync account state with the blockchain
Specifies the unique account ID (starts with acc_).
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Cancel a pending transfer of ownership. Cancel request to transfer ownership of an account.