Delete a contract from the project by providing its contract id. Deletes a contract object.
Specifies the unique contract ID (starts with con_).
Retrieve a contract by providing their contract id. Get a contract.
Specifies the unique contract ID (starts with con_).
List of all contracts per project. By default, a maximum of ten contracts are shown. List contracts.
Specifies the maximum number of records to return.
Specifies the offset for the first records to return.
Specifies the order in which to sort the results.
Specifies the name of the contract.
Specifies whether to include deleted contracts.
The chain ID of the contract.
Specifies the address of the contract.
Using this endpoint, you can get the repositories returned by any readable function listed in a contracts ABI. This could be things like querying the totalSupply of a currency contract, the number of owners of an items contract, and more. Read on chain contract repositories.
Specifies the unique contract ID (starts with con_).
The function name of the contract.
The function arguments of the contract, in string format. Accepts pla_, con_ and acc_ IDs.
Updates a contract object.
Specifies the unique contract ID (starts with con_).
Generated using TypeDoc
Add a new contract to your project in Openfort Create contract object.