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  • PoliciesApi



  • new PoliciesApi(configuration: Configuration, requestFactory?: PoliciesApiRequestFactory, responseProcessor?: PoliciesApiResponseProcessor): PoliciesApi


api: ObservablePoliciesApi


  • Transfer ERC-20 tokens collected by policy. When using a policy that includes payment of gas in ERC-20 tokens, this endpoint returns the amount of tokens paid for gas. This is specific to a policy that doesn't use your own deposited tokens in the paymaster. Withdraw tokens collected by policy.


    Returns Promise<TransactionIntentResponse>

  • Returns a list of Policies. Returns the latest 10 transaction intents for each policy. List policies.


    • Optional limit: number

      Specifies the maximum number of records to return.

    • Optional skip: number

      Specifies the offset for the first records to return.

    • Optional order: SortOrder

      Specifies the order in which to sort the results.

    • Optional expand: PolicyResponseExpandable[]

      Specifies the fields to expand in the response.

    • Optional name: string

      Specifies the name of the policy.

    • Optional deleted: boolean

      Specifies whether to include deleted policies.

    • Optional chainId: number

      The chain ID of the policy.

    • Optional enabled: boolean

      Specifies whether to include enabled policies.

    • Optional _options: Configuration

    Returns Promise<PolicyListResponse>

  • Get the amount of ERC-20 tokens collected by policy. When using a policy that includes payment of gas in ERC-20 tokens, this endpoint returns the amount of tokens paid for gas. This is specific to a policy that doesn't use your own deposited tokens in the paymaster. Get amount of tokens paid for gas policy.


    • id: string

      Specifies the unique policy ID (starts with pol_).

    • Optional _options: Configuration

    Returns Promise<PolicyBalanceWithdrawResponse>

  • List all gas reports of a policy.


    • id: string

      Specifies the unique policy ID (starts with pol_).

    • Optional to: number

      The start date of the period in unix timestamp.

    • Optional _from: number

      The end date of the period in unix timestamp.

    • Optional _options: Configuration

    Returns Promise<GasReportListResponse>

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