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  • Interaction




contract?: string

The contract ID you want to interact with. Must have been added to Openfort first, starts with con_.

data?: string

The encoded calldata of the contract.

dataSuffix?: string

Data to append to the end of the calldata. Useful for adding a "domain" tag

functionArgs?: any[]

The function arguments of the contract, in string format. If you provide one of a pla_..., con_... or acc_... it will be converted to the corresponding address.

functionName?: string

The function name of the contract. Accepts a a function signature as well (e.g. mint(address)).

to?: string

The address of the recipient of native tokens. Use only to transfer native tokens. If you provide one of a pla_..., or acc_... it will be converted to the corresponding address.

value?: string

The value intended to be sent with the transaction. Should be a stringified number in WEI (i.e. factor 10^18). * @example "1000000000000000000"

attributeTypeMap: { baseName: string; format: string; name: string; type: string }[] = ...
discriminator: undefined | string = undefined


  • getAttributeTypeMap(): { baseName: string; format: string; name: string; type: string }[]

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