  • Public
  • Public/Protected
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  • ResponseResponse




blockNumber?: number

The block height (number) of the block including the transaction of this log.

createdAt: number

The unix timestamp in seconds when the transactionIntent was created.

error?: any

The error of the transaction of this log.

gasFee?: string

The gas fee by the transaction of this log.

gasUsed?: string

The gas used by the transaction of this log.

l1GasFee?: string

The l1 gas fee by the transaction of this log.

l1GasUsed?: string

The l1 gas used by the transaction of this log.

logs?: Log[]

The logs of the transaction of this log.

status?: number

The status of the transaction of this log.

to?: string

The address of the contract of this log.

transactionHash?: string

The transaction hash of the transaction of this log.

attributeTypeMap: { baseName: string; format: string; name: string; type: string }[] = ...
discriminator: undefined | string = undefined


  • getAttributeTypeMap(): { baseName: string; format: string; name: string; type: string }[]

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