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  • TransactionIntentsApi



  • new TransactionIntentsApi(configuration: Configuration, requestFactory?: TransactionIntentsApiRequestFactory, responseProcessor?: TransactionIntentsApiResponseProcessor): TransactionIntentsApi


api: ObservableTransactionIntentsApi


  • Creates a TransactionIntent. A pending TransactionIntent has the response attribute as undefined. After the TransactionIntent is created and broadcasted to the blockchain, response will be populated with the transaction hash and a status (1 success, 0 fail). When using a non-custodial account, a nextAction attribute is returned with the userOperationHash that must be signed by the owner of the account. Create a transaction intent object.


    Returns Promise<TransactionIntentResponse>

  • Returns a list of TransactionIntents. List transaction intents.


    • Optional limit: number

      Specifies the maximum number of records to return.

    • Optional skip: number

      Specifies the offset for the first records to return.

    • Optional order: SortOrder

      Specifies the order in which to sort the results.

    • Optional expand: TransactionIntentResponseExpandable[]

      Specifies the fields to expand in the response.

    • Optional chainId: number

      The chain ID. Must be a supported chain.

    • Optional account: string[]

      Filter by account ID or developer account (starts with acc_ or dac_ respectively).

    • Optional player: string[]

      Filter by player ID (starts with pla_).

    • Optional status: number

      Filter by successful (1) or failed (0) transaction intents.

    • Optional policy: string[]

      Filter by policy ID (starts with pol_).

    • Optional _options: Configuration

    Returns Promise<TransactionIntentListResponse>

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