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  • CreateTransactionIntentRequest




account?: string

ID of the Account this TransactionIntent is executed with, if one exists (starts with acc_ or dac_). When providing a Player and ChainID, you can omit this parameter.

chainId: number

The chain ID. Must be a supported chain.

externalOwnerAddress?: string

Use this parameter to create a new Account for Player with the provided owner address. If you omit this parameter and no Account exists for the Player, a custodial Account will be created.

interactions: Interaction[]
optimistic?: boolean

Set to true to indicate that the transactionIntent request should be resolved as soon as possible, after the transactionIntent is created and simulated and before it arrives on chain.

player?: string

ID of the Player this TransactionIntent belongs to, if one exists (starts with pla_). If you omit this parameter a new Player will be created.

policy?: string

ID of the Policy that defines the gas sponsorship strategy (starts with pol_). If no Policy is provided, the own Account native token funds will be used to pay for gas.

attributeTypeMap: { baseName: string; format: string; name: string; type: string }[] = ...
discriminator: undefined | string = undefined


  • getAttributeTypeMap(): { baseName: string; format: string; name: string; type: string }[]

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